
Buffy 2: Teenage Nightmare

Episode Summary

ADVENTURE continues its slayage as the Scooby Gang investigates the mysterious pestilence plaguing Sunnydale.

Episode Notes

ADVENTURE continues its slayage as the Scooby Gang investigates the mysterious pestilence plaguing Sunnydale.

Sarah has two other shows: The Immortals and Ad Absurdum, both of which can be found at She can be found at @SarahS2333.

Liz Brodinski is a co-host of the Cooperatives Podcast with her fiancé, Aaron (@CoOperativesPod). She can be found at @PaperbackLizard.

Aaron J. Amendola, in addition to co-hosting the Cooperatives Podcast, works with Liz on a variety of VstheUniverse projects. Here is VstheUNIVERSE’s YouTube page: Here's their Patreon: Aaron can be found at @ImAaronJ.

Congrats to the Earworm team on successfully funding!

Our mysterious guest Lindsey Simon…well, we’ll just let her speak for herself.

Pranks Paul can be found at @roguetldr or (@ADVENTURE_OSN for this show), on the OneShot stream, and also at Never Tell Me the Pods.